Residential Specialty Filters
- For Municipal, Well and Lake Water Sources

Lead Filter
Whole home filtration lead removal system.
Reduces lead content in your water
Reduces lead content in your water to below 10 parts per billion, which is well below acceptable Government standards.
Chemical free filtration
System is chemical free - no chemicals or filter cartridges are needed.
- Fully automatic backwashable lead removal filter
- 12 volt transformer that utilizes minimal power consumption less than $3.00 per year
- Patented filter distributor that uses 30% less water during backwash reducing water consumption to drain
- Removes lead content from 250 PPB to below 10 PPB – well below acceptable Gov’t standards
- During the Excalibur Lead Filter’s backwash cycle the lead is not discharged
- No filter cartridges required
- Chemical free system – no chemicals to purchase
- 10 year warranty

Chlorine and Chemical Removal Filter
Chemical free whole house filter providing clean, clear water
Removes chlorine and volatile organic compounds
Removes most chemicals in your water including chlorine, chloramines and volatile & industrial chemicals.
Chemical free system
No chemicals or water softening salt to purchase.
- Fully automatic backwashable chemical removal filter
- 12 volt transformer that utilizes minimal power consumption less than $3.00 per year
- Patented filter distributor that uses 30% less water during backwash reducing water consumption to drain
- Removes most chemicals in your water supply such as chlorine, chloramines, volatile and industrial chemicals, providing safe, clean water
- Chemical free system – no chemicals or water softening salt to purchase
- No filter cartridges required
- 10 year warranty

Turbidity Filter
Chemical free whole home filter providing clean, clear water.
Removes dirt and grit
Removes individual particles or suspended solids such as dirt and grit to below 3 micron filtration.
Removes dissolved sediment
Removes dissolved sediment to below 3 micron.
- Fully automatic backwashable turbidity filter
- 12 volt transformer that utilizes minimal power consumption less than $3.00 per year
- Patented filter distributor that uses 30% less water during backwash reducing water consumption to drain
- Reduces turbidity in your water supply to below 3 micron filtration
- No filter cartridges to replace
- Chemical free system – no chemicals or water softening salt to purchase
- 10 year warranty
To see the full line of Excalibur residential Specialty Filters, please visit the Excalibur Water Systems website or contact us for more information!