Commercial / Industrial Water Softeners
- Flow rates from 1 - 2000 USGPM
Excalibur commercial / industrial water softeners are available in single vessel (Simplex), Duplex (2 vessel), Triplex (3 vessel) and Quadplex (4 vessel) configurations to handle high flow rates, 24/7 operation, and high resilience to failure.
Systems beyond one vessel can also be provisioned with smart control valves to operate as progressive flow units, where the control valve turns successive units on only when required to achieve user-specified flow rates.

1.0" Simplex & Duplex EWS Series Water Softeners
Removes hard water minerals (calcium and magnesium) creating soft water to 0 ppm hardness.
Flow rates from 1 to 27 USGPM. For larger flow rates, see the Excalibur Water Systems website.
Softens your water
Removes water hardness (calcium and magnesium) and clear water iron.
Fully automatic
Regenerate with water softening salt to maintain a continuous fully automatic system.
- Flow Rates up to 27 USGPM
- Internal Electronic Flow Meter range 0.25-27 USGPM
- Fully adjustable 6 cycle valve
- Four methods to initiate regeneration metered immediate, metered delayed, time clock delayed, or pressure differential
- Duplex softeners utilize MAV controls to provide regeneration
3.0" Triplex & Quadplex Progressive EWS Series Water Softeners
Progressive flow water softening system that removes calcium and magnesium providing continuous soft water 24 hours / day.
Flow rates up to 1000 USGPM. For larger flow rates, contact Excalibur Water Systems.

Softens with progressive flow
Progressive flow on demand that removes calcium and magnesium and maintains 0 ppm hardness continually.
Removes clear water iron
Removes clear water iron from your water.
- Flow Rates up to 1000 USGPM
- System designs up to 4 vessels
- External Electronic Flow Meter
- Fully adjustable 9 cycle valve
- Progressive flow on demand soft water
- Four methods to initiate regeneration metered immediate, metered delayed, time clock delayed, or pressure differiential
- Triplex & Quad softeners utilize NHWB valves to initiate regenerations and progressive flow system operations
- Communication centre for transmitting data available
To see the full line of Excalibur commercial/industrial Water Softeners, please visit the Excalibur Water Systems website or contact us for more information!